četvrtak, 18. listopad 2018., 14:50
Dvorana B
Very often APEX development start as a PoC , executed by a single developer with interest in DB and Web technology. This situation leads to a huge problem if the PoC is successful and you start with a wider approach, like replacement of a complex application with APEX supported functionality.Typically your team has to start with parallel development, version management, controlling of deployment and bug fixing. As APEX is DB driven the normal version control tools and processes are not able to support the requirements.The session will explain how to setup version management and deployment controls according ITIL standards to manage your APEX development, testing and productivity environments. Session will show how to use APEX version management functions together with GIT Version controlling to solve your organizational problems.
Konferenciju organizira Hrvatska udruga Oracle korisnika. Više o udruzi možete saznati na Hroug.hr.