Practical Examples of Upgrade From Oracle 11.2/12.1 to 12.2


DBA & Infrasturktura

Datum i vrijeme

srijeda, 17. listopad 2018., 10:20


Dvorana B



Upgrading a database is always a task that requires a good preparation and a lot of testing before we can be sure that going live will not cause a lot performance or other problems. There are databases which require special care and some tuning of critical SQL statements. At least that was the case in past. It looks like upgrade from 11.2. on a such delicate database runs surprisingly nice and more details about that will be part of the session discussion. Interesting experience is also upgrading from multi tenant architecture in 12.1. to 12.2. especially when you have to apply security patches at the same time and you have data guard environment.

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje
Razina težine: Srednje detaljno
Poželjno iskustvo slušatelja: Iskusni (2-3 g.)
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja: DBA
Grupa aktivnosti: DBA & Infrasturktura

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