Boosting Database Performance in Oracle 21c Database with Persistent Memory


Baza podataka i infrasturktura

Datum i vrijeme

srijeda, 13. listopad 2021., 15:25


Dvorana E



The Latest Persistent Memory such as Intel Optane Persistent Memory (PMEM) combines near-DRAM performance with the data persistence of storage. It can be configured in memory mode or application direct mode. When the memory mode is used, PMEMs can be considered as volatile and can be used as main memory and DRAM is treated as a write-back cache. PMEMs can also be configured in application direct mode to store database files and redo logs. This presentation will discuss the use cases of PMEM:1) In memory mode use PMEMs for Oracle In Memory store ;2) in Application direct mode to store the database files, namely persistent Memory Database in Oracle 21c. We will discuss the significant performance benefits that can be achieved from either of these two modes. We will discuss the Persistent Memory Database feature that includes directly mapped buffer cache and Persistent Memory Filestore (PMEM Filestore) in Oracle 21c. We will also discuss how PMEMs are used in Oracle Exadata X8M

Detalji o predavanju

Vrsta: Predavanje
Razina težine: Vrlo detaljno i stručno
Poželjna funkcija slušatelja: DBA
Grupa aktivnosti: Baza podataka i infrasturktura

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