Roel Hartman APEX Consulting

Oracle ACE Director

Roel started a long time ago using Oracle RDBMS 5, Oracle Forms 2.3, RPT/RPF and Oracle*Case 4.5. Since over 10 years he focuses mainly on Oracle Application Express.Roel has been a speaker on UKOUG, OOW, Collaborate, ODTUG's Kscope and a number of local Oracle User Groups. Within ODTUG he acted as the APEX Content Lead for the Kscope14 and KScope15 conferences and is a member of the Board of Directors. He keeps an (APEX-related) blog on In June 2009 Roel received an Oracle ACE award and in August 2010 he's appointed as Oracle ACE Director. Since June 2019 he is also appointed as an Oracle§ Groundbreaker Ambassador.Roel is a co-writer of the "Expert Oracle Application Express" and "Oracle Application Express for Mobile Web Applications" books.Roel is Director at APEX Consulting in The Netherlands.


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